Life Fitness set- 41 devices
425.700zł Netto
523.611zł Brutto
Refurbished equipment – the regeneration process in our company is professional and comprehensive. A remanufactured product is no different from a new one. Each machine receives a new varnish coat, which is made in our modern paint shop. Depending on the type of equipment, exchange for new or regenerate components of the product to restore the factory condition. We are sure of our regeneration process, therefore we provide a 6-month warranty with the option of extension for another 6 or 12 months (at extra charge). Check how we regenerate in 10 steps. The waiting time for regeneration is about 2-4 weeks.
- Description
- Product Details
Life Fitness set consists of the following 41 devices:
- 1 x Life Fitness Signature Multi Jungle MJ5
- 2 x Life Fitness Insignia Chest Press
- 2 x Life Fitness Insignia Pec Fly Rear Deltoid
- 2 x Life Fitness Insignia Shoulder Press
- 1 x Life Fitness Insignia Lateral Raise
- 2 x Life Fitness Insignia Leg Press
- 1 x Life Fitness Insignia Glute
- 1 x Life Fitness Insignia Adductor
- 1 x Life Fitness Insignia Abductor
- 1 x Life Fitness Insignia Calf Extension
- 1 x Life Fitness Insignia Row
- 1 x Life Fitness Insignia Chin Dip Assist
- 2 x Life Fitness Insignia Torso Rotation
- 1 x Life Fitness Insignia Back Extension
- 1x Life Fitness Insignia Biceps
- 1 x Life Fitness Insignia Tricep Dip
- 1 x Life Fitness Insignia Abdominal
- 1 x Life Fitness Insignia Prone Leg Curl
- 2 x Life Fitness Insignia Leg Extension
- 1 x Life Fitness Insignia Seated Leg Curl
- 2 x Life Fitness Signature Hyperextension Bench
- 1 x Life Fitness Signature Adjustable Bench
- 1 x Life Fitness Signature Plate Loaded Calf Raise
- 1 x Life Fitness Signature Squat Rack
- 10 x Life Fitness 95 T Discover Si Treadmill
- 2 x Woodway TLreadmill Curve
In order to determine the details, please contact the Sales Department.
- Type of device
- set
Personalizacja sprzętu - wyróżnij się
- kolory w cenie regeneracji: 9005, DB 703, podst. kolory RAL w półmacie i satynie
- dopłata 5%: biała perła, żółty, RAL w połysku
- indywidualna wycena: kolory poza paletą RAL, warstwa brokatu
- w cenie regeneracji: materiały z gładkiej skóry syntetycznej
- indywidualna wycena: tkaniny teksturowe (caro, pikowane), wyszycie grafiki
- 429zł netto / 1 urządzenie TechnoGym Selection
- 559zł netto / 1 urządzenie Matrix G3
Wybierz nr z naszego wzornika lub wyślij swoją grafikę
Personalize your equipment - stand out
colours included in the regeneration price: 9005, DB 703, basic RAL colours in halfmat and satin
surcharge of 5%: pearl white, yellow, RAL glossy
individual pricing: colours outside RAL, glitter layer
- In the price of reconditioning: materials in smooth synthetic leather
- individual pricing: textured fabrics (caro, quilted), embroidered graphics
99€ netto / 1 TechnoGym Selection device
129€ netto / 1 Matrix G3 device
Choose no. from our template or send your own artwork
Personalisieren Sie Ihre Ausrüstung – heben Sie sich ab
- Farben, die im Preis der Personalisierung enthalten sind: 9005, DB 703, RAL-Grundfarben in halbmat und satiniert
- Aufpreis von 5%: perlweiß, gelb, RAL glänzend
- individuelle Preisgestaltung: Farben außerhalb RAL, Glitterschicht
- Im Preis der Personalisierung: Materialien aus glattem Kunstleder
- individuelle Preisgestaltung: strukturierte Stoffe (caro, gesteppt), gestickte Grafiken
- 99€ netto / 1 TechnoGym Selection-Gerät
- 129€ netto / 1 Matrix G3- Gerät
Wählen Sie eine Nummer aus unserer Musterkarte oder senden Sie Ihre eigene