STAIRMASTER 8 Series Gauntlet LED stepmill
22.745zł Netto
27.977zł Brutto
Exhibition equipment or Class B products are items that might come from exchanges, returned shipments, or have been used for demonstrations. This implies that they could have slight dirt or cosmetic imperfections like dents or scratches. The packaging might be absent or damaged. However, you’ll get a fully functional device, similar to a new one, after undergoing a verification process. We are confident in the quality of our Class B products and provide a 1-year warranty covering all mechanical and electrical defects.
- Description
- Szczegóły produktu
Stepmill StairMaster 8 Series Gauntlet LED:
- an absolute best seller among the cardio equipment,
- a device that empowers you to build and shape your body,
- climber work with a min. user weight of 60 kg,
- steel frame,
- handrails allow to correct your exercise posture,
- 15″ screen displays all training information,
- heart rate measure system,
- optimal stairs height – 20 cm, up to 56 cm width,
- lots of training and physical efficiency test programmes,
- Landmark Challenge – allows to conquer various worldwide landmarks, such as: the Eiffel Tower, the Statue of Liberty or Taj Mahal,
- 24-162 steps per minute.
In order to determine the details, please contact the Sales Department.
- Type of device
- Stepmills
- L x W x H
- 147 x 86 x 226 cm
- Product weight
- 149 kg
- Min. user weight
- 60 kg
- Max. user weight
- 159 kg
- Drive system
- chain generator
Personalizacja sprzętu - wyróżnij się
- kolory w cenie regeneracji: 9005, DB 703, podst. kolory RAL w półmacie i satynie
- dopłata 5%: biała perła, żółty, RAL w połysku
- indywidualna wycena: kolory poza paletą RAL, warstwa brokatu
- w cenie regeneracji: materiały z gładkiej skóry syntetycznej
- indywidualna wycena: tkaniny teksturowe (caro, pikowane), wyszycie grafiki
- 429zł netto / 1 urządzenie TechnoGym Selection
- 559zł netto / 1 urządzenie Matrix G3
Wybierz nr z naszego wzornika lub wyślij swoją grafikę
Personalize your equipment - stand out
colours included in the regeneration price: 9005, DB 703, basic RAL colours in halfmat and satin
surcharge of 5%: pearl white, yellow, RAL glossy
individual pricing: colours outside RAL, glitter layer
- In the price of reconditioning: materials in smooth synthetic leather
- individual pricing: textured fabrics (caro, quilted), embroidered graphics
99€ netto / 1 TechnoGym Selection device
129€ netto / 1 Matrix G3 device
Choose no. from our template or send your own artwork
Personalisieren Sie Ihre Ausrüstung – heben Sie sich ab
- Farben, die im Preis der Personalisierung enthalten sind: 9005, DB 703, RAL-Grundfarben in halbmat und satiniert
- Aufpreis von 5%: perlweiß, gelb, RAL glänzend
- individuelle Preisgestaltung: Farben außerhalb RAL, Glitterschicht
- Im Preis der Personalisierung: Materialien aus glattem Kunstleder
- individuelle Preisgestaltung: strukturierte Stoffe (caro, gesteppt), gestickte Grafiken
- 99€ netto / 1 TechnoGym Selection-Gerät
- 129€ netto / 1 Matrix G3- Gerät
Wählen Sie eine Nummer aus unserer Musterkarte oder senden Sie Ihre eigene