NPG Gates 310 Swing gate with a tube
15.901zł 11.133zł Netto
13.693zł Brutto
- Description
- Szczegóły produktu
Our innovative device provides invaluable support for access control in high-security indoor areas. This advanced device offers expanded capabilities, adapting to the diverse needs of users.
The NPG-310 swing gate is equipped with a servo drive, automatically opening upon button press or the presentation of an access card. The gate is bi-directional, with an arm made of highly durable material (Plexiglas or steel), ensuring long-term operation. These gates are primarily designed for pedestrian traffic control, restricting access to administrative facilities, banks, offices, stores, stations, and fitness clubs.
Example applications:
- Cultural and entertainment sectors,
- Ticket control and access management,
- Securing governmental institutions,
- Aviation and maritime transport,
- Personnel checkpoints,
- Access control and timekeeping.
Key features:
- Low power consumption,
- Passage Speed: 35 People/Min,
- Automatic Calibration,
- Bidirectional Operation, Entry-Exit,
- Servo Drive Mechanism,
- Panic Function,
- Passage for the Disabled,
- LED Lighting,
- Expandable for the Customer.
- Possibility of installing additional devices (turnstile counter, biometric and contactless RFID readers, coin acceptors, emergency buttons, barcode and QR code readers),
- Wireless Radio Controller,
- Cable Controller,
- LED Display,
- Possibility of battery installation.
Available Finish Options:
- Polished Stainless Steel RAL 304
- RAL 9003 Color Finish
- RAL 7016 Color Finish
- RAL 9005 Color Finish
- RAL 6002 Color Finish
- RAL 3020 Color Finish
The price of the gate includes:
- Gate
- Battery
- RGR board
- Gate power supply
- Control panel
In order to determine the details, please contact the Sales Department.
- L x H
- 168 x 1050 mm
- Power supply
- 110 V / 220 V 50 / 60 Hz, 24 V power supply
- Passage Width
- 600-900 mm
Personalizacja sprzętu - wyróżnij się
- kolory w cenie regeneracji: 9005, DB 703, podst. kolory RAL w półmacie i satynie
- dopłata 5%: biała perła, żółty, RAL w połysku
- indywidualna wycena: kolory poza paletą RAL, warstwa brokatu
- w cenie regeneracji: materiały z gładkiej skóry syntetycznej
- indywidualna wycena: tkaniny teksturowe (caro, pikowane), wyszycie grafiki
- 429zł netto / 1 urządzenie TechnoGym Selection
- 559zł netto / 1 urządzenie Matrix G3
Wybierz nr z naszego wzornika lub wyślij swoją grafikę
Personalize your equipment - stand out
colours included in the regeneration price: 9005, DB 703, basic RAL colours in halfmat and satin
surcharge of 5%: pearl white, yellow, RAL glossy
individual pricing: colours outside RAL, glitter layer
- In the price of reconditioning: materials in smooth synthetic leather
- individual pricing: textured fabrics (caro, quilted), embroidered graphics
99€ netto / 1 TechnoGym Selection device
129€ netto / 1 Matrix G3 device
Choose no. from our template or send your own artwork
Personalisieren Sie Ihre Ausrüstung – heben Sie sich ab
- Farben, die im Preis der Personalisierung enthalten sind: 9005, DB 703, RAL-Grundfarben in halbmat und satiniert
- Aufpreis von 5%: perlweiß, gelb, RAL glänzend
- individuelle Preisgestaltung: Farben außerhalb RAL, Glitterschicht
- Im Preis der Personalisierung: Materialien aus glattem Kunstleder
- individuelle Preisgestaltung: strukturierte Stoffe (caro, gesteppt), gestickte Grafiken
- 99€ netto / 1 TechnoGym Selection-Gerät
- 129€ netto / 1 Matrix G3- Gerät
Wählen Sie eine Nummer aus unserer Musterkarte oder senden Sie Ihre eigene