
DHZ EVOST III Vertical Row

10.707 7.267 Netto
13.1708.938 Brutto


The DHZ Evost III series is a professional line of weight stack strength training machines designed to maximize comfort and training efficiency. These machines stand out with their excellent biomechanics, ergonomic design, and durable construction, making them an ideal choice for both large gyms and smaller training spaces. Adjustable components and high-quality upholstery ensure comfort for users of varying heights and skill levels.


Weight stack machine for training shoulder and back muscles:

  • Smooth Adjustment:
    The adjustable seat and chest support allow the machine to be tailored to the user’s height, ensuring proper posture, comfort, and stability.
  • Ergonomic Handles:
    The machine’s handles enable various grip positions, allowing for diverse exercises and targeting different muscle groups. The non-slip finish on the handles enhances comfort and safety during use.
  • Smooth Motion:
    High-quality bearings ensure smooth operation, minimizing resistance and noise for a seamless exercise experience.
  • Durable Construction:
    Crafted from high-quality steel, the machine provides exceptional stability even under heavy use. The corrosion- and scratch-resistant frame extends the equipment’s lifespan.
  • Compact Design:
    With its space-saving structure, this machine is perfect for professional gyms and smaller workout areas. Its sleek design fits seamlessly into any fitness environment.
  • Instructional Graphics:
    A clear instructional chart is integrated into the machine, illustrating proper exercise techniques. This is particularly helpful for beginners, ensuring safe and effective workouts.

The DHZ Evost III series is designed for users seeking efficient, durable, and aesthetically pleasing strength training equipment. It is a guarantee of quality, functionality, and modern design that will meet the expectations of every user.

In order to determine the details, please contact the Sales Department.

Type of device
strength machines
Catalog number
Weight stacks
95 kg
Product weight
231 kg
L x W x H
149 x 129 x 151.3 cm

Personalizacja sprzętu - wyróżnij się


Malowanie wybranych elementów
  • kolory w cenie regeneracji: 9005, DB 703, podst. kolory RAL w półmacie i satynie
  • dopłata 5%: biała perła, żółty, RAL w połysku
  • indywidualna wycena: kolory poza paletą RAL, warstwa brokatu


Wybór koloru tapicerki i nici / wyszycie grafiki
  • w cenie regeneracji: materiały z gładkiej skóry syntetycznej
  • indywidualna wycena: tkaniny teksturowe (caro, pikowane), wyszycie grafiki


Osłona do maszyn ze stosem (TechnoGym Selection, Matrix G3)
  • 429zł netto / 1 urządzenie TechnoGym Selection
  • 559zł netto / 1 urządzenie Matrix G3

Wybierz nr z naszego wzornika lub wyślij swoją grafikę

Personalize your equipment - stand out


Painting selected elements
  • colours included in the regeneration price: 9005, DB 703, basic RAL colours in halfmat and satin

  • surcharge of 5%: pearl white, yellow, RAL glossy

  • individual pricing: colours outside RAL, glitter layer


Thread color selection / graphic embroidery
  • In the price of reconditioning: materials in smooth synthetic leather
  • individual pricing: textured fabrics (caro, quilted), embroidered graphics


Choosing the color and texture of the upholstery
  • 99€ netto / 1 TechnoGym Selection device

  • 129€ netto / 1 Matrix G3 device

Choose no. from our template or send your own artwork

Personalisieren Sie Ihre Ausrüstung – heben Sie sich ab


Ausgewählte Elemente bemalen
  • Farben, die im Preis der Personalisierung enthalten sind: 9005, DB 703, RAL-Grundfarben in halbmat und satiniert
  • Aufpreis von 5%: perlweiß, gelb, RAL glänzend
  • individuelle Preisgestaltung: Farben außerhalb RAL, Glitterschicht


Auswahl der Garnfarbe / grafische Stickerei
  • Im Preis der Personalisierung: Materialien aus glattem Kunstleder
  • individuelle Preisgestaltung: strukturierte Stoffe (caro, gesteppt), gestickte Grafiken


Auswahl der Farbe und Textur der Polsterung
  • 99€ netto / 1 TechnoGym Selection-Gerät
  • 129€ netto / 1 Matrix G3- Gerät

Wählen Sie eine Nummer aus unserer Musterkarte oder senden Sie Ihre eigene