Fitness_Club_24_Urethane_Dumbbell_set (11)
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Fitness_Club_24_NPG_No_Limits_NLB215 (5)
Fitness_Club_24_NPG_No_Limits_NLB215 (6)

NPG Urethane Dumbbells Set 2.5 – 50 kg with racks

30.703 21.490 Netto
26.432 Brutto


The NPG Accessories series is a professional line of fitness accessories, excellent quality, modern design and a wide range. You will find almost everything from machine consumables to barbells, dumbbells and many, many more.



Set of urethane dumbbells ranging from 2.5 to 50 kg with 2 racks (weight increments of 2.5 kg, each set includes two dumbbells of each weight):


  • it consists of: 2 x 2,5 kg, 2 x 5 kg, 2 x 7,5 kg, 2 x 10 kg, 2 x 12,5 kg, 2 x 15 kg, 2 x 17,5 kg, 2 x 20kg, 2 x 22,5 kg, 2 x 25 kg, 2 x 27,5 kg, 2 x 30 kg, 2 x 32,5 kg, 2 x 35 kg, 2 x 37,5 kg, 2 x 40kg, 2 x 42,5 kg, 2 x 45 kg, 2 x 47,5 kg, 2 x 50 kg,
  • designed for professional and intensive use in gyms and fitness clubs,
  • these dumbbells are made of odorless, damage-resistant, and shock-absorbing urethane rubber. The covering of the dumbbells reduces noise and minimizes the risk of floor damage during impact,
  • equipment, thanks to which you will conduct effective strength training of many muscle groups, perfect for dynamic and extreme workout,
  • knurled handle prevents slipping of the hand, ensures a secure grip and safe training, you do not have to worry that the weight will slip out during subsequent repetitions or complex exercises,
  • they have a clear, numerical marking of the weight, so you can quickly find the right load,
  • it cushions impacts very well,
  • their construction and shape make them very easy to maintain and use.


  • it is an indispensable element of every gym equipment allowing to maintain order in the training space,
  • due to its longitudinal form, it is ideally suited for setting along the wall,
  • the stand is stable enough that the athlete can lean on it during various exercises without fear,
  • powder coated frame – resistant to corrosion and mechanical damage,
  • stable and strong construction made of durable profiles.

Safety during strength training is paramount. To ensure maximum comfort and protection against accidents, we should use top-quality equipment. NPG dumbbells provide a safe full-body workout. They are also perfect for individual users for whom high quality is as important as durability and resilience.


Type of device
weight plates
Type of device

Personalizacja sprzętu - wyróżnij się


Malowanie wybranych elementów
  • kolory w cenie regeneracji: 9005, DB 703, podst. kolory RAL w półmacie i satynie
  • dopłata 5%: biała perła, żółty, RAL w połysku
  • indywidualna wycena: kolory poza paletą RAL, warstwa brokatu


Wybór koloru tapicerki i nici / wyszycie grafiki
  • w cenie regeneracji: materiały z gładkiej skóry syntetycznej
  • indywidualna wycena: tkaniny teksturowe (caro, pikowane), wyszycie grafiki


Osłona do maszyn ze stosem (TechnoGym Selection, Matrix G3)
  • 429zł netto / 1 urządzenie TechnoGym Selection
  • 559zł netto / 1 urządzenie Matrix G3

Wybierz nr z naszego wzornika lub wyślij swoją grafikę

Personalize your equipment - stand out


Painting selected elements
  • colours included in the regeneration price: 9005, DB 703, basic RAL colours in halfmat and satin

  • surcharge of 5%: pearl white, yellow, RAL glossy

  • individual pricing: colours outside RAL, glitter layer


Thread color selection / graphic embroidery
  • In the price of reconditioning: materials in smooth synthetic leather
  • individual pricing: textured fabrics (caro, quilted), embroidered graphics


Choosing the color and texture of the upholstery
  • 99€ netto / 1 TechnoGym Selection device

  • 129€ netto / 1 Matrix G3 device

Choose no. from our template or send your own artwork

Personalisieren Sie Ihre Ausrüstung – heben Sie sich ab


Ausgewählte Elemente bemalen
  • Farben, die im Preis der Personalisierung enthalten sind: 9005, DB 703, RAL-Grundfarben in halbmat und satiniert
  • Aufpreis von 5%: perlweiß, gelb, RAL glänzend
  • individuelle Preisgestaltung: Farben außerhalb RAL, Glitterschicht


Auswahl der Garnfarbe / grafische Stickerei
  • Im Preis der Personalisierung: Materialien aus glattem Kunstleder
  • individuelle Preisgestaltung: strukturierte Stoffe (caro, gesteppt), gestickte Grafiken


Auswahl der Farbe und Textur der Polsterung
  • 99€ netto / 1 TechnoGym Selection-Gerät
  • 129€ netto / 1 Matrix G3- Gerät

Wählen Sie eine Nummer aus unserer Musterkarte oder senden Sie Ihre eigene